Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Save a life
This was something I didn't even have to think twice about doing. A friend from church, Brittany Horton, was diagnosed with leukemia and will more than likely need to undergo a bone marrow transplant. I have known Brittany since she was a little girl. Her brother and I have been friends since about 5th or 6th grade. When I found out Brittany hadn't found a donor match I knew this was something I wanted to try to test myself for. Tanna, Brittany's sister in law, posted the instructions for the Bone Marrow Bank Testing. I followed the questionnaire and ordered the kit. I got my kit in the mail less than a week later.
After I got the kit in the mail I did the swabs, and was happy to seal that sucker up and send it off. Even if it turns out I am not a match for Brittany, there is always the chance that I could be a match for someone else. How blessed and rewarding would it be to be able to help save someones life. I encourage each of you to order a kit and get tested.... There are so many people that need someone to donate for them. Imagine if it was your little sister, your wife, your daughter!
You go to this link:
They will guide you through a health questionaire, etc. It takes about 15 minutes to go through it. Then you put in your mailing info. There is a place where it says PROMOTION CODE and you need to type in "brittanyhorton." They mail you a kit, you do a cheek swab, and then send it in to see if you are a match. I think that is all it consists of.
It is free. They say it takes 100 bucks to put you in the system, so they take donations, but if you cannot afford one then it is for sure free. As long as you are in good health, you can try to be a match.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Pay it forward

Sunday, June 28, 2009
Ideas welcome...
Leave me a comment with your ideas. Each month I will pick one idea. Whoever gave me the idea will get something super cool from me.... not sure what yet.... but it will be super cool. ; )
Put a cork in it.

Ta da!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Can I have fries with that shake?
Today's new activity for myself came from Bakerella ! I love her blog. She has the cutest ideas and makes such fab-u-lous desserts! I always read these blogs and think the things they make are so cute. So, today I decided to try to make something from her site. I'm no Betty Crocker, but I think the end result was good enough to say this mission was a success!
I bought a box mix of brownies, yellow cake mix, a roll of sugar cookie dough, food coloring, and then camped out in my mom's kitchen all evening. The most time consuming part was just waiting for each mix to finish baking. Boy, did the house smell good though!

When it came time to make the icing for the ketchup, mustard, and lettuce ~ I used a can of whipped vanilla icing then used food coloring to color it.

I divided the icing into three bowls, then kept adding food coloring as necessary.

Ta Da! Bakerella used actual sesame seeds. I used bare naked granola instead.

Happy Meal Anyone?
Coming soon, my activity for today. My hint is in the title.... here is a sneak peak...

Any guesses what I am doing? If anyone (besides my sister and mom can get it right, I will give you a $5 giftcard to McDonalds!)
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Explore.Dream. EXHAUSTION!
2 more things on my list that I can check off now! Woo hoo. Maybe I shouldnt have been so ambitious on my second day.... but my fat butt needed to do it. Yes, I can call myself fat on this blog. It's my blog & I'm saying it in a loving manner. This morning I woke up wondering what I had gotten myself into but I knew part of this challenge to myself was going to be doing things that would push myself. That's the whole point! *Get out of your box, Karen!!*
I got up and started the dressing process. The reason I say 'Process' is because I had to layer about 15 things to hold "the girls" down and to keep any fat from shaking. Hey, just being honest! Once I took a zumba class and when they told us to shake our butt (like Beyonce), i only had to do it one time... then it kept shaking on it's own. Anyways, I put on a normal bra then grabbed my sports bra. I'm thinking this sports bra was probably either my sister's or I wore it when I was like 12. I could barely get it on, and am pretty sure I broke a sweat. After the sports bra, I put on a swimsuit. Yes, you read correctly. I put on a one piece - BLUE - racerback swimsuit to hold everything in place. After this I put on a camisole to hide the blue swimsuit. Then lastly I wore a shirt. I bet you cant guess what happened after I was all done dressing. (and yes, I did wear pants too... I contemplated wearing spandex shorts under the capri pants I was wearing but then decided against it. I thought if we had to call the fire department because I passed out or something they might have to cut off my clothes, and the spandex might have crossed the line) So, I get completely dressed and then realize I had to pee. *Insert not so nice mommy language here* I had to get undressed to pee because of my dang swimsuit. I'm thinking for future purposes of wearing a diaper. I will discuss this more in detail later in my story. :) After I got dressed again I made the comment on my way out that I was nervous because I was already dizzy. All that dressing, undressing, and then squeezing everything back in was tiring.
Once I got to the boot camp I lined up with a bunch of cute skinny girls. You know the kind, that look like a model in workout clothes and without an ounce of make up look like they just came from a photo shoot. Yep, I worked out with them. I'm pretty sure none of them had a blue swimsuit on under their clothes. Seriously though, they were sweet and precious girls. After doing about 15 minutes of working out or so... (at this point I'm dying already) I noticed Tanna walking around the corner with her black belt! Her BLACK BELT PEOPLE!! (yes, she is a black belt) I will be honest with you guys... I think I let an expletive slip out of my mouth. As soon as I saw it I said "what the hell are you getting out your black belt for?!" (sorry to all of my former sunday school teachers) I was scared. Here I was already about to pass out, and the chick gets out her black belt?! (love you, Tanna) She ended up using it to wrap around the girls wastes while they did a crawl type thing across the yard... and she would pull them back for resistence. I didnt do this part... didnt want my blue swimsuit to show. Ok, actually I didnt do this part because I was dead tired... so I pulled on her instead while Tanna did it. As we went thru other parts of the obstacle course I did some jumping jacks, and I think I wet my pants a little. Yep, so the bladder apparently isnt as young as it used to be either. Good thing I had my trusty swimsuit on! Now back to that whole diaper thing... I'm thinking about buying some depends for my next workout. ;) What is one more thing to add for my dressing Process? Ok, no depends for me.... but at least if I had to pee I wouldnt have to get undressed.
After all was said and done I finished... with a few more breaks than the other girls... but I finished!
Whew.... tomorrow I'm thinking my new thing should be a little less physical. Something that can allow my blue swimsuit to rest.
Proof that 1.) I was there. 2) I wore a sports bra & 3.) Yes, I actually did wear a blue swimsuit!
The Beast and her black belt!! Have mercy on us all
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Explore. Dream. Discover.
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.
I decided to make another blog. My new blog venture will be public and will chronicle my quest to try something I have never done before, every day! I have already started a list of things I have never tried before, so far I have about 70 things on my list that I cant wait to cross off! I understand being a mom and working can sometimes get hectic, so I'm sure there will be days I miss. It will be my intention to TRY to do something new everyday, take pictures/video of me doing it, then blog about it. As I was sitting watching my mom sew last night I realized I dont do much anymore besides take care of Blakely. I am one of the most laid back people EVER and am completely content most of the time to just hang around the house now. Well, NO MORE! I need to get out of my nice little box I am in, and revert back to the person that used to book a trip across the US on a moments notice.... someone who on a whim up and decided over breakfast at an IHOP in Austin, TX to drive to Colorado just to see the snow, RIGHT THEN! Yep, this mom needs a pick me up... and what better way, then to learn and experience some NEW things. So, today I will mark the first day on this new journey. Today I will do something new! I will create a blog with this self challenge. I hope you will follow along. It would be a blast if some of you did some of these new things along with me.